Monday, February 7, 2011

Lysol Brand Mold & Mildew Remover Complete Clean with Bleach

Here it is my first product review.

I'd like to introduce you to my bathroom's BFF, Lysol Brand Mold & Mildew Remover Complete Clean with Bleach!

As a family of four our shower/tub gets a LOT of use.  READ: it is always wet!  We have owned two homes and both tubs have had issues with mold/mildew collecting on the joint where the fragile caulk resides.  You know what one I'm talking about, the one where the shower wall meets the tub.

Previously I have tried to remove the mold spraying other "bathroom" type cleaners and scrubbing.  Well there are two problems with that.  ONE : No matter how much "bathroom cleaner" I used it didn't budge.  Maybe it faded a little, but that would be giving the "bathroom type cleaner" a LOT of credit.  TWO : Scrubbing is futile.  Caulk is extremely delicate and damages quite easily when over handled.  My attempts at scrubbing that line have been in vain as it usually meant I would end up breaking the seal and pulling the caulk off completely.  Then my poor husband would have to re-caulk.  Which if you aren't savvy with do-it-yourself stuff you wouldn't know how much of a PITA this is because you have to wait like 24 hours or more for it to "cure"....try living like that with two children! (I actually think there are some quick-cure caulks out there now but still)

Ok, so my Bathroom's new BFF, Lysol Brand  Mold & Mildew Remover Complete Clean with Bleach is literally going to save my shower's life.  I plucked this product off the shelf last week with the faint hope it would help me save my delicate caulk line from imminent demise.

I sprayed it on my grout and in a feeble attempt to test the Lysol's strength, I also applied it to my shower curtain which was in no exaggeration DISGUSTING!

I came home that day to discover the caulk line, PURE WHITE like it had just been done.  And the part of the shower curtain I sprayed was also clean!  NO SCRUBBING!  NONE!

The smell is tolerable, but I would caution you to run your bathroom fan and perhaps use it while on your way out of the house for the day.  This way the smell will dissipate while you are gone.

My shower looks amazing.  Only wish I had done a before and after pic!

* * * * *
 5 out of a possible 5 STARS!


  1. I like the title of this blog: "April Knows Best". Good first review :)

  2. When Amy showered here after I colored her hair on Friday night, I said to her..."Please don't look at my shower, we're not dirty people"!

  3. Try the Magic Eraser - especially the one for the bathroom. I have an unholy love affair with the Magic Eraser right now.

  4. Lysol is known for its effectiveness to remove mold. It’s been trusted by many users, and it’s still one of the leading brands. However, we just can't rely on this product alone all the time. It's very important to have a properly constructed bathroom to reduce and prevent mold to build up. Also, we can try to control the humidity in the room through better ventilation.
    - Diane Blackburn
